
Give to support the harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.


Support Our Local Causes

  • Tefila


    Daily and Shabbos Minyan

    Price $50.00

  • Sephardic Minyan

    Sephardic Minyan

    Prayer Times
    Friday Mincha & Shir Hashirim
    15 minutes before Ashkenazi Minyan

    Shabbat Shacharit 9:00am
    Shabbat Mincha 15 minutes before Ashkenazi Minyan

    Price $50.00

  • Daf Yomi

    Daf Yomi

    From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch
    This week we celebrate the conclusion of studying
    Maseches Taanis and immediately began studying
    Maseches Megillah. The transition from Taanis to
    Megillah reminded me of the transitions of Taanis
    Esther to Purim. Taanis Esther or the Fast Esther is
    a rather unique fast on the Jewish calendar as it
    does not commemorate anything tragic or something that requires mourning. The purpose of
    Taanis Esther is to recall how effective the power of prayer can be in times of distress. Esther
    told Mordechai that before she can reach out to the King, she needs the Jewish Nation to pour
    their hearts out in fasting and prayers. Mordechai heeded this request and organized a mass
    gathering of prayer. Ultimately, G-d listened to these prayers and Esther was successful in her
    mission. The Fast of Esther is observed to remind us of this powerful lesson. When we are in a
    crisis or in times of distress, G-d is always available and attentive to our prayers.

    Price $50.00


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